Monday, 11 October 2010


Today I visited a Typewriter repair shop.
I was hoping to see an old man working with a magnifying glass on some vintage Underwood. As he tensioned springs and carefully removed rust spots from metal components.
I was met by a blank faced man devoid of personality or soul.
When asked if he could show me an example of his restoration work he said 'we don't really restore, we just clean them up a bit'
He then opened a lovely looking very early 20th century typewriter.
It had been dusted very well but what shocked me was the large dabs of black paint applied liberally over rust spots!
I had taken my Valentine in for him to have a look at. I was pretty worried when he got a cloth with Brasso on and started rubbing the ABS.
I think its OK but it smells a bit funny now.

Not all bad though. We found an Olympia SM9 in a junk shop for £8. It needs some paint cleaning off it and a bit of restoring. However after what, two weeks of looking at typewriters I will do a much better job than the local expert.

We also had a look at a photography exhibition. I am pretty fussy when it comes to art and photography. Like to see talent and an eye rather than some bullshit conceptual piece of shit.
There was some wonderful work and some snapshot quality stuff too.
One image was surrounded by women trying to figure out what the picture meant.
I think it was taken simply because its a bit shocking. A deer hanging from a basketball hoop in southern America. A striking image and one the photographer obviously found interesting.
However one of the women was going on about it being about male oppression and humiliation of women. The deer she saw as a hung woman with legs splayed. Now I could not tell if it was a male deer or female but it had been hung to be bled as far as I could tell.
But her 'inner feminist' told her differently.
I find peoples interpretation of photography and art to be quite interesting. But this level of transference is simply insulting to the artist.
My girlfriend then told me that it was an old friend of hers. A giant lesbian (I am fond of homosexuality, 'giant lesbian' is simply used as a description of this woman's general demander and is not intended to be detrimental to lesbians at all) And I have forgotten my point entirely.

This will be a theme I think. Not finishing what I have started to write.
To summarise.
Typewriter specialist. Not so special.
Photography. Pretty good.
Art. Mostly shit.
Lesbians. A fine addition to any family.
Feminist morons. Pretty stupid.

Lemon out.

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