Friday, 15 October 2010

F art

Yesterday I was at my brothers recording studio listening to some of his new music.
I realised something. The old saying of learning the rules before you break them is very important to me.
In his new songs you could hear a very distinct a knowing melody. A structure that would welcome any listener to listen closer. The songs sound almost familiar and yet there is so much more. In his playing as well as his production there is a bending of defined rules. A breaking of others. A creativity that can be easily appreciated by its grounding in a sound understanding of the fundamentals of music.
This rule can be applied elsewhere in the creative industry. Looking at writing there are certain conformities that must be applied for your writing to work. Spelling and grammar would be an obvious one.
An understanding of narrative and character development. A practised and thoughtfully applied vocabulary.
All these things are needed to write a good story.
Then we come to art.
Fine art.
I only wish that society could apply these same rules to art. I don't think anyone should feel like they can not express themselves through creativity but for Christ sake lets have some creative content.
Again I don't necessarily feel that art must involve skilled manual input. I do however expect a level of self understanding and one of asthetics.
The kind of shit that passes as art these days is just astonishing. You can put any old crap on a plinth and if you say its art then it is. You may have to be in the right circles and sucking the right cocks for people to believe you but so long as you are you say it and it is.
If you can make up some bullshit emotive story about the broken toaster then all the better.
This does not take talent vision or skill. It requires a balls on your face arrogance that is what the art world is becoming.
Its almost as if any manual skill based art is relegated to a craft. Oil painting, sculpture and printing will soon have no place in gallaries as artists the world over hang some dirty piece of shit from the side of the road on the wall.

I could put a boiled egg in a room in an egg cup.

What do you make of it?
I suppose some would look at the cup and see art there. Others would look at the egg and think there is a message. Truthfully its the first thing I thought of. Now I will try and make it 'Art'

Ok so it looks a bit like a little penis. But the penis is actually an egg which is an embryo. It could be to do with the male input to life? It could be satire and boasting that the male input to life is greater than that of the female by having the egg as the penis.
I don't know I'm making this shit up on the spot.
It's not very good but I hope you see my point. You can make anything 'art' if you can bullshit correctly.

I'm old fashioned yes. But I am not closed minded. I simply like to see talent in creativity. Not just bollocks.
I'm tired and confused now.
Its been a funny day.
I will try not to complain in my next post. Comments are welcome and indeed encouraged


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